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Thursday, January 6, 2011

attempting 9 month old pictures

Today Lilly turned 9 months old!  I thought i would try to get some cute pictures (well they are all cute but i wanted to posed portrait style ones) and after about 20 or so pictures this is what i got....  she is a quick mover that is all i have to say!  If you put them all together you might get a full shot of her!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

SOOOO big!!!

Lilly has been growing and learning so much- we can see it every day!!  When i get up out of bed in the morning she always looks bigger or has longer hair or more teeth... soon she will be a little girl and no longer a baby.  I don't know how i will be able to handle that but since i'm certain she will be as wonderful a girl as she is a baby- i am excited for it :)   Here are some new pictures and videos to catch you up on her leaps and bounds!

On our way to see santa we stopped to see Grandma Liz at work to show off this adorable outfit- Aunt Jenny sure does know how to pick'em! :)

Christmas morning- attempting to open presents :)

Lilly!!  I don't think that box was for you!!    Don't worry she just licked the drinking and crawling around these parts.

This is what happens when daddy feeds Lilly :)    Then it was bath time.

How far she has come in the last nearly 9 months!!  Here is a picture of the best moment ever!! :)