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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Picture time!

Lilly and I had some play time yesterday so we took pictures with her big duckie!  First i thought he'll hold her up he's squishy....but that definitely didn't work, so we got the big feeding pillow to hold up the duck who held up Lilly, who still tipped over a few times!  We finally got a good one though- upright and smiling!

Here is our little Princess girl- who isn't quite sure what a tiara is for!! But she sure does like sparkles :)

Her blue eyes are pretty sparkly too- and getting deeper blue every day it seems

OK mom...i like the shirt but i can't move my arms or legs!!!  This is her all Denim 80's look (Jason thinks she stepped right into the 80's in all denim)


  1. Oh no! She is looking too old already. Yeah, that sitting thing takes quite a few tip overs before they get it right. She sure is cute. I can't wait to meet her. We are finalizing our plans to come out to OR today. Hopefully, we'll be there in two weeks or in the middle of July. I'll let you know so we can plan a play date!
